Do you know someone who wants (or needs) to sell their business . . . Or someone who wants to buy a business?
Selling Businesses Is Our ONLY Business!
Businesses For Sale In California is a full service Business Brokerage company, with over 30 years experience, that offers all types of businesses for sale in California. Orville Wright specializes in valuating, packaging, listing and selling existing business opportunities, new business opportunities, franchises and Internet related businesses, in Orange County, Los Angeles County and throughout California.
Orville Wright, “The California Business Broker,” has over three decades of experience in evaluating and selling businesses, throughout California. He has sold hundreds of businesses in a wide range of product and service industries. Orville has the background and experience to obtain the best possible price and terms for his clients, in the least amount of time.
Orville Wright offers a very personalized service. Orville handles the entire transaction, PERSONALLY, from performing a Courtesy Valuation (at no cost or obligation), to marketing your business in a manner that will attract the highest number of qualified buyers, from around the USA, and beyond, through to qualifying potential buyers. Orville only works with a select number of business sellers at a time, so that he can give the sale of your business all of the dedicated attention that a business seller deserves. Because of his personalized, professional services, he is able to get his clients’ businesses SOLD for the best price and terms, in the least period of time!
To view the Top 25 reasons that a business owner should trust Orville Wright to sell their business, CLICK HERE